I’d like to take you on a little journey back to June of 2020…
The Inspiration Behind the Image
It was the middle of June and my sister, Tifani, came to me with an idea. She said she wanted to create an image that really captured and represented the essence of what her last month of college had looked and felt like while under quarantine. She had been going to AUP in Paris, France up to that point and had to finish her last 2 months of schooling back home – which was less than ideal and certainly not her dream. So, I was excited at the idea of being able to create something really fun for her!
After a few discussions of what that had been looking like for her – it started to expand and morph into what it had been looking like as a family. So we all got together and everyone contributed their ideas of what the past couple of months had felt like to each of us during quarantine and we started to piece it all together! And it tells quite the story if you pay close attention. Ha!
In order to make sure everyone stood out equally; each one of us were photographed and lit separately and then I blended all of the images together to get this unique look. It then quickly became the most popular image of the year, by far, and my family is still sharing it with every new person they meet to this day. It’s also one of those images where, the longer you look at it, the better it gets…
So, without further ado, I present to you “Kamph Family 2020: Quarantine Edition”.
My Most Popular Image of 2020
I hope you enjoyed getting a peek into the behind-the-scenes, we certainly had a lot of fun making this image! It feels so representative of our family, that it is now the one and only family photo that my mom has ever printed out and displayed proudly on her living room wall – talk about a conversation starter!
If you’re interested in having some unique artwork like this created for your own family, reach out below! I’d absolutely love to brainstorm some ideas with you!
Yes, let’s brainstorm some ideas!
In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed this behind-the-scenes look!
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